

This blog is rather old now, and I have some new venues where I write:

Space Jams grew out of a radio show I started when I was studying at the LSE. It's a web-magazine, running mixtape, podcast devoted to all things urbanism.

I'm going to run a little newsletter for Space Jams too, since everyone has been doing that lately:

powered by TinyLetter

Medium is a nice site for writing and publishing things that you don't know where else to put, and I use it sometimes.

http://helpmewrite.co/people/nickkauf/ideas is where I store and develop my raw ideas. If you have a twitter account, you can vote for which topics I pursue and write about next.

Twitter takes the bulk of my stream-of-consciousness

and of course you can add me on linkedin, especially if you want to hire me.

or email: nick@urbz.net